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World Gratitude Day

A catalyst for connection and effective change Today is World Gratitude Day! It’s also the official change in seasons as we move into the season of abundance as Fall Equinox begins tomorrow. With that said, I’m honoring the harvest of goals and intentions I planted almost a year ago when …

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Stress and the Sensitive Gut

FUNCTIONAL GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS affect 35% to 70% of people at some point in life, women more often than men, according to Harvard Health. When you take the time to enjoy a meal in a relaxed state, you will not only enhance the enjoyment of the meal but your metabolism and …

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How to Create a Culinary Pharmacy

A Culinary Pharmacy with Herbs + Spices I’ve been building my culinary pharmacy for many years now. It includes everything from the foods I prepare, plants from land and sea, to power-packed herbs and spices. Like anything, creating a culinary pharmacy is a process and can be tailored to your …

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Build Immunity by Nurturing Your Gut Microbiome

70-80% of the Immune System Resides in the Gut. Our immune system does the job of protecting us from the world of deadly microbial viruses and pathogens. It acts as our bodyguard, ready to shield us from sickness and infection. Researchers agree that a person’s microbiome slowly develops within the first three …

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To Grow Love: A Manifesto

The Heart of the Garden The growth process isn’t easy – it’s pretty uncomfortable. Yet, I find solace in my garden as I observe nature’s calming and straightforward process. Thich Nhat Hahn reminds us in Mindfulness In the Garden: Tools for Digging in the Dirt by Zachiah Murray, that the things …

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In Solidarity

EMOTIONS ARE RUNNING HIGH WITH THE RECENT UPRISINGS in our society and glaring spotlight on social injustice and systemic racism in our country. Taking the time to feel all the feelings presenting themselves with this movement are essential to honor, acknowledge, and transform into action. Everyone deserves the same opportunities …

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A New Kind of Earth Day

Socially Distanced. I’ve been grappling with the best words to describe my feelings. I see how it’s impacting everything around me – from stepping out the door to go for a socially distanced jog to wearing a mask as a new normal. It’s all incredibly bizarre. On the one hand, …

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Foods To Help Regulate Your Mood

  “Mental health is a lot more than the absence of illness: it is an intrinsic part of our individual and collective health and well-being.”  ~World Health Organization   The COVID-19 pandemic triggerd 25% increase in prevalence of anxiety and depression worldwide.  Not only that, but depression is the leading …

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A Body+Mind Rx

Nourishing the Core of Our Being. The best wellness encyclopedia that has all the complete information, wisdom, and power, well, it’s within you! Your body holds an innate intelligence and understanding that only you can access. The path to connecting with this intelligence is not always clear, and often we …

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Self-Acceptance through Loving-Kindness

  “I can’t overestimate the importance of accepting ourselves exactly as we are right now, not as we wish we were or think we ought to be.”  ~Pema Chödrön We’re officially in a new decade, which is exciting! And with that newness of a clean slate comes a lot of …

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